Our mission is to educate, inform and engage residents throughout Western Iowa by supporting community journalism to ensure long-term access to accurate local news and investigative reporting.

Donations of any size are appreciated and allow us to meet our mission of supporting community journalism.

We have several convenient giving options:


Online giving 

You can make instant donations to us via credit card, ACH, Venmo or PayPal.


Donor-Advised Funds

We are honored to accept contributions through Donor-Advised Funds. Grants can be mailed to us, or donors can use the DAFwidget linked below to help expediate the transfer of funds directly to the Western Iowa Journalism Foundation.


Wire Transfer

We can accept wire transfers and are happy to provide our receiving bank information and account number to facilitate this. However, to ensure we give proper credit to the donor and earmark the donation according to donor wishes, we ask you to please email us for the banking instructions.


Send a Check

We love receiving mail! Checks should be made out to the Western Iowa Journalism Foundation and sent to 15302 140th Street, Breda IA  51436.